One of the data layers for Gaia GPS is OpenStreetMap, a collaborative mapping platform (think of it as Wikipedia for maps). Often times features such as campsite locations, toilet locations, etc. are missing from OSM and thus missing from Gaia. Here’s how I add new locations to OSM such that they’re visible to all Gaia GPS users:
- Export the point from Gaia as a GPX file
- Log into OSM
- Select Edit with iD from the Edit dropdown to bring up the in-browser editor
- Drag the GPX file onto the editor to add the point as an overlay
- Click on the Point icon at the top of the map to switch into point mode
- Zoom in on the overlay point a bunch to increase accuracy
- Click on the overlay point to add the actual point feature to OSM
The OSM wiki contains a page on adding hiking-specific features. This gives examples of how to add, say, a backcountry toilet or campsite. I added the toilet location to Deep Lake and I’m currently working on adding some campsite locations along the Duckabush River Trail which is why I wanted to write this note.